Monday 2 November 2009


As foretold on this blog some time ago, wheelie bins have been placed in fixed positions along pavements in John Street and Aquarium Street. Both streets are near the seafront and have some guest houses, and the bins – along with a lousy tarmacing job – have not enhanced the scene.

In the area are lots of flats and bedsits in ex-holiday accommodation and, to be fair, many tenants had no easy means of refuse disposal; quite a few had no access to a back yard. The new arrangement will suit them and they may feel less inclined to dump rubbish in the streets.

The broken-down electrical goods and old mattresses are too big for the bins, so we can still expect those to turn up in alleys.

Today when I passed by, residents were cheerfully popping bags into the bins but the situation represents another breach of trust between the wider community and Denbighshire County Council. The county’s officers decided to impose these bins and then proceeded with absolute minimum consultation.

Town councillors were not even asked for an opinion; I know this because I was a town councillor at the time.
