Sunday 25 July 2010


To add to our stock of lifeboat pictures, this unused postcard has come to hand. It was published just after the present lifeboat house was opened in 2002. Photo by Terry Williams.

The lifeboat marked 12-24 is Lil Cunningham which is a 12-metre Mersey Class self-righter in service since 1992. The small craft behind, which looks like a rocket, is the D class inshore lifeboat D-485 Stafford with Rugeley.

FRI 17th AUG 2018 UPDATE: 12-24 Lil Cunningham again, still Rhyl's current lifeboat, this time pictured with tractor in an image first published by RNLI. 

. . . and here's another shot of same lifeboat from same publisher . . .
